

I have been taking photographs of my children since they were born.

Then, using morphing software with these pictures, I have been able to create movie files that have the effect of showing them "growing". This works best using pictures taken a few months apart but at similar angles. (see Images for examples)

I used to carry the AVI or MPG files on my laptop but I recently acquired a Compaq Ipaq PocketPC. The portability of this handy little gadget means that I can now view them and display them anywhere, anytime... and to anyone. :-)

The software to play back AVI or MPG movie files on the PocketPC are freely downloadable (either PocketTV or Windows Media Player 7.1 - see links).

Basic Steps For those that are interested: -

How To Create Morph Files:

More detailed steps are listed in the "HowTo" Link

Alternatively, you can e-mail me the images and I can e-mail you back the resulting morph file for a small fee (see "Ordering" for details)

How To View the Morph Files:

On PocketPC:

On PCs:


MPG1 Morph with PocketTV

Start of MPG1 File

End of MPG1 File

MPG1 File in Full Screen

Sample MPG1 Morph Files

(Small MPG File - 2 images - 150 KB)
(Large MPG File - 6 images - 750 KB)

WMV File with Windows Media Player Player 7.1

Start of WMV File

End of WMV File

WMV File in Full Screen

Sample Windows Media Player Morph Files

(Small WMV File - 2 images - 33KB)
(Large WMV File - 6 images - 165 KB)